Gamma Phi Beta Donation

Gamma Phi Beta and RACE Charities raise over $6,000 for Fred Hutch Grady Lab!

On July 25, 2014 The University of Arizona’s Gamma Phi Beta sorority philanthropy chair (Kayla Urbanski) joined RACE Charities Foundation at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA to make a donation in person to the Dr. William Grady Lab! The donation represents funds raised by the sorority four months prior at the 2014 GlowRace.

Pink Check Donation

It was a beautiful sunny weekend in the Pacific Northwest as nearly a dozen participants not only joined the group at the Cancer Center to help present the donation check, but also came out in full force to participate in the city’s annual Torchlight Run in downtown Seattle! Seen below is the RACE Charities group in front of the Space Needle near the start line:

Space Needle