RACE’s own Jake Kraft completes the 8K Seattle Torchlight race in under 38 minutes!

On July 30th RACE Charities Foundation joined its members together for the 3rd consecutive ‘Go for Glory!’ gathering at the 2011 Seattle Torchlight Run.  Over a dozen runners and supporters turned out to be a part of the nearly perfect Pacific Northwest weather on an evening to remember!  RACE Charities runners from the ages of 14 to 64 showed up to run hard and participate in either the 5K or 8K events.  Tens of thousands of spectators lined the downtown streets of Seattle to cheer on runners as a part of the city’s Torchlight Parade and SeaFair weekend.

 Congratulations go out to RACE’s own Jake Kraft for completing the 8K course in an outstanding time of 37 minutes, placing 34th in his division of over 180 competitors!  Nice work Jake!  The weekend capped a tremendous week for RACE Charities in Seattle and we look forward to even greater things for the Seattle area in 2012.










In Glory's words-

If just one life is saved, the sacrifices we all make will be worth it.

-Glorianna Gensch (June 2007)