Project Glow

“Project Glow” is a special, up-close and personal outreach to young adults ages 15 to 35 who are battling cancer with its mission to bring “just the little things in life” to those who are suffering from the terrible disease of cancer.

Participants and their caregivers may receive items such as sporting or concert event tickets, movie passes, makeovers, gift cards or other items that may be of special value to the individual.

“Project Glow” seeks to bring some small happiness by bringing tangible, small comforts, a sense of normalicy, and comfort during a time of unknown outcomes, disappointments and trauma.

All funding for “Project Glow” is through the sales of “glo-bands”—(camoflauged-colored “fight-for-life-warrior bands”) to be worn by patients and their supporters.

Please visit for more information about this wonderful program!

In Glory's words-

If just one life is saved, the sacrifices we all make will be worth it.

-Glorianna Gensch (June 2007)